Quote Board
Modified on 2012/01/25 12:06 by Rob Erickson (Plus500) — Categorized as: Uncategorized
Note: Quote Board columns cannot be sorted on Internet Explorer.
The Quote Board allows you to see market quotes for several markets at once and allows you to make trades from it. The columns displayed are:
X - removes the market from the Quote Board.
Contract - the name of the market displayed
Market - the month, or strategy months of the displayed market.
Market Mode - shows the state that the market is in. If it is green then the market is open and available for
trading. Red means the market is closed or unavailable for trading. Orange means the market is in a preopen
or pre-close state.
Net Change - displays the net change for the market for the current trading day.
History - shows the recent trade history for the market as a simple chart.
Last Trade Price - shows the price that last traded in the market.
Last Trade Vol - shows the volume of contracts that last traded.
Click the “New Contract” button to open the Contract Picker. This allows you to change the
contract currently subscribed.
Bid Price - shows the current best bid price.
Bid Vol - shows the current volume of the best bid.
Offer Price - shows the current best offer price.
Offer Vol - shows the current volume of the best offer.
Total Traded - shows the total volume traded for the market for the current trading session.
Click the “New Contract” button to open the Contract Picker. This allows you to change the
contract currently subscribed.
Click the on the “Market Month” to open the Market Picker. This allows you to change the contract month currently subscribed.
Enter a default volume in the volume field. This will be the volume that appears in the Order Ticket.
Click on the “Bid Price” to join the bid. A buy Order Ticket is opened with the bid price set to the current best bid.
Click on the “Bid Volume” to hit the bid. A sell Order Ticket is opened with the offer price set to the current best bid.
Click on the “Offer Price” to join the offer. A sell Order Ticket is opened with the offer price set to the current best offer.
Click on the “Offer Volume” to hit the offer. A buy Order Ticket is opened with the bid price set to the current best offer.